November 2017 Remittance - Observations
Today we discuss a smorgasbord of observations. We have lots and lots of valuable data (other than CoreLogic) that we source each month,...

Outstanding Forbearance – Bang Head Here
The industry should be ashamed of how awful the reporting of this important data element is. The governing documents don’t require the...

Happy New Year 2017 News
U.S. District Court opines that the metaphor “waterfall” is misleading If you find the start of 2017 boring, you may want to read through...

Trustees & Servicers owe you answers now
This commentary is required reading. Seriously. Investors NOT paid back for Losses incurred from Deferred Debt when we highly suspect...

October 2016 Remittance - More Statistics, Observations and Lots of Property Finds
Topics in today’s Commentary Performance Statistics as of October 2016 Remittance Largest Losses – October 2016 Remittance Largest Loss...

Two problem loans, Ocwen 10-Q stats plus HAMP data has finally arrived
Some interesting material to read today. If you are a Certificateholder in RASC 2007-KS2, you should pursue the trustee and get some...

Deferred Principal Outstanding & Recovery Rates
Three of the major trustees provide loan level deferred balance data. HAMP’s Principal Reduction Alternative (PRA) modifications make...

Step-up Interest Rates and the effect on Deal Performance
The Making Home Affordable © (MHA) data file provided by the U.S. Treasury tells us exactly what payment shock borrowers will experience...