Trustees & Servicers owe you answers now
This commentary is required reading. Seriously. Investors NOT paid back for Losses incurred from Deferred Debt when we highly suspect...

Florida Statute of Limitations – The Supreme Court has ruled (decision released 11/3/2016)
Two great and historic events occurred this week. The Cubs won the World Series and the Florida Supreme Court clarified on how the...

August 2016 Remittance - Day #1 Observations and a whole bunch more
Lots of interesting material in today’s Commentary. The Statute of Limitation cases going on in the Brooklyn courts are fascinating. We...

Welcome to Brooklyn – What a Foreclosure Mess
Under New York law, the statute of limitations in a mortgage foreclosure action is six years, which begins from the date of acceleration...

Florida Statute of Limitations plus more
Happy Spring. The first 16 pages discuss the Florida Statute of Limitations. Other observations and issues start on page 17. The...

OMG - Statute of Limitations on Foreclosure Action
Joy Wiltermuth, a bond reporter at IRF-Thomson Reuters, wrote an article on January 16, 2015 titled “Growing threat hangs over legacy...