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July 2015 Remittance – Lots of Observations

For your summer reading, attached is a collection of interesting facts, statistics and observations on Non-Agency RMBS.


  • Non-Agency RMBS Collateral Outstanding

  • MBA Current Only

  • MBA Seriously DQ Only

  • RMBS Servicing Portfolio: Nationstar and Ocwen

  • Excerpts from Ocwen’s 10-Q Filed 07/31/15 for the Period Ending 06/30/15

  • Ocwen Termination Voting Results – Announced August 12, 2015

  • Excerpts from Nationstar’s 10-Q Filed 08/03/15 for the Period Ending 06/30/15

  • Excerpts from Fitch Press Release regarding Everbank

  • Largest Non-Agency Exposure to Everbank

  • Delinquency Statistics Continue to Improve

  • Modification Step-ups: Sources of Data

  • HAMP Data

  • Trustee Data

  • CoreLogic LoanPerformance Data

  • Hamp Modifications - Step Up Rate

  • 2015 Liquidations / Severities - By Last Paid to Date

  • Deals with the Worst Percentage of 2008 and Prior Last Paid to Date

  • 2015 Liquidations / Severities - By Last Paid to Date (Top 3 States)

  • 2015 Liquidations / Severities - By Last Paid to Date (Default Amount >= $150,000)

  • Superior Loss Severity – How do they do it?

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