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Mid-June Mind Dump

Topics include

  • Local Law enacted to prevent foreclosed vacant properties from becoming a public nuisance – Town of Hempstead, NY

  • Servicing Transfers

  • MSR Sale to SPS

  • Everbank to Nationstar

  • SBM7 1993-9: Last loan finally pays off

  • CPR/CDR as of May 2016 Remittance

  • Annual Changes

  • Delinquency

  • Modifications

  • Non-Agency RMBS Only – as of May 2016 Remittance

  • Counties with Highest Percentage of Seriously Delinquent Loans

  • Counties with Lowest Percentage of Seriously Delinquent Loans

  • Cumulative Loss Percentage by County (Highest & Lowest)

  • Application of Liquidation Proceeds – Accrued & Unpaid Interest (explains some unusually high severities)

  • Random Chase/SPS REOs

  • A Charming REO

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