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June 2016 Remittance – Day #1 Observations

Besides the arrival of the Countrywide Settlement proceeds, nothing this month can beat the excitement of the Brexit vote. We will have more observations once additional data arrives from CoreLogic tonight. Please say a prayer for those of us that have deferred compensation sitting in British bank stocks denominated in GBP.

Topics in today’s Commentary

· FirstSight analytic Excel spreadsheets: Performance Statistics as of June 2016 Remittance

· FirstSight analytic Excel spreadsheets: Performance Comparison: May 2013 vs May 2016

· Ocwen Forgiveness Modifications: Debt Forgiveness > Old UPB (last 2 months)

· Status Report of RMBS Trustees – Lehman Bankruptcy – June 24, 2016

· JPMorgan $4.5 Billion RMBS Settlement – UPDATE

· Countrywide Settlement: Actual Losses to Date Exceed the Lifetime Losses predicted by the Expert

· Countrywide Settlement: Actual Losses to Date well below the Lifetime Losses predicted by the Expert

· Countrywide Settlement: Highest Percentage of Seriously Delinquent

· Pending Losses – CW Settlement Bond

· Large Losses Coming – HVMLT 2006-12 (2 extreme loans)

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