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Getting you the right data plus much more

We have the best data available. Let us help you.


  • Getting the CLTV right

  • Our Sources of Updated Valuation Data

  • Our Sources of REO Data

  • Example: OOMLT 2006-1

  • Getting the Loss Severity right

  • Example: MALT 2006-1

  • Rep & Warranty Update – BNY Mellon gets RMBS claims against JPMorgan partially revived - JPMAC 2006-WMC3, Group 2

  • Mass Dismissal of 1,600 Brooklyn Foreclosures (this one is interesting)

  • Seriously Delinquent Loans - by County

  • Deals with most exposure to Brooklyn, NY Seriously Delinquent Loans

  • Example: NAA 2006-AF1

  • Early Payment Defaults still in deals – aka First, Second or Third Payment Defaults

  • Examples: CWL 2007-5, CWL 2007-7, CWL 2007-12, IMSA 2006-4

  • Recent Principal Forgiveness that makes no sense – CWALT 2006-J1

Contact us at 203-276-0672 to become a client and access all reports and attachments.

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