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July 2017 Remittance - Observations

Topics included:

  • Call Rights and Trustee Litigation Spreadsheet – Updated as of July 2017 Remittance (attached)

  • Servicing Transfer: CitiMortgage to Nationstar – June & July 2017

  • Servicer Mapping – Non-Agency RMBS

  • Servicer Mapping – Non-Agency Legacy RMBS (2007 and prior)

  • Forbearance Recovery – Called Deals Only (deals where Wells Fargo is the Securities Admin)

  • Beware of Fake REOs – BWIC from last week (BALTA 2005-2 Group 6)

  • Update on Trustee Lawsuits

  • How to get a Loss Severity over 100%

  • New Million Dollar REO – July 2017 Remittance

  • Pool Statistics

Contact us at 203-276-0672 to become a client and access all reports and attachments.

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