November 2017 Remittance - Observations
Today we discuss a smorgasbord of observations. We have lots and lots of valuable data (other than CoreLogic) that we source each month, and we are always here to help you with any analysis that you require. We have already provided access, analysis and insight on the issues listed below and will continue to in 2018. Email/call/tweet at us anytime.
Actual Advances (Corporate, Escrow, Net Interest & Principal)
Call Rights
CPR/CDR/Severity – the right way to calculate
Default Reason
Forbearance Recognized / Subject to Forgiveness
Forbearance Recoveries
Forbearance Unrecognized
Hurricane Exposure
Interest Only expirations
Interest Rate Step Ups
Liquidation Proceeds Analysis
Prior Liquidations not reported to Trust (Fake REOs)
Property Address
Recorded Documents
REO Listing Prices
REO Sale Prices / Proceeds
RMBS Litigation Settlement Allocation
Servicer Events of Default
Servicer / Trustee / Bloomberg / Intex Errors
Servicing Transfers and Mappings
Shared Appreciation Recovery (Ocwen SAM)
Statute of Limitation of Foreclosure (FL and NY)
Trustee Litigation
Trustee Reserves and Recoveries
Updated Credit Scores
Updated Property Valuations
Zillow Research Data
Topics in Today’s Commentary:
Called / Terminated – November 2017
Largest Losses – November 2017 Remittance
New REOs this month
WAMU: Where is the Settlement Cash?
Loss Severity Comparisons
Forbearance Recovery
First Payment Defaults – Why are these still in the deals?
Hurricane Harvey Analysis – 3 Month Current to Delinquent Roll Rate
Called / Terminated – November 2017
CMLTI 2004-RP1: There is a Holdback Notice posted on Wells Fargo CTSLink. Unfortunately, access is restricted.

Contact us at 203-276-0672 to become a client and access all reports and attachments.